The type of friends you should have around you

3 min readMar 28, 2024


Like most of my writings. I draw inspiration from personal experience.

As I’ve gotten older. I’ve been a big believer in that we don’t attract what we want, we attract what we are.

And this is a huge part of attracting the right people.

We are all energy and we all possess a frequency - when you meet someone you click with. Some people will say. “We have the same vibe” or “We have the same aura” — it means your frequencies are aligned.

This is important in building strong and lasting bonds of friendship.

I’ve constructed a list of friends you need in your life.

  • A friend who tells you the truth even when it’s hard to hear.

I get it. We want to live in our little Delulu bubble. We want things to remain pretty. It’s our happy place our haven. Or sometimes we are just so far in a delusional bubble we don’t wanna see a different perspective.

However, this delusion can start bleeding into reality. And at times we need a friend who can snap us back.

And without a friend pointing this out. We wouldn't grow or change for the better. And if they are truly a friend they would want this for you because they care about you.

In my opinion, this type of friend is the most important.

  • A friend where time seems to fly.

I love these types of friends. Because you can talk and talk and time just flies by. Like sand falling through your hands. The conversation can be about anything and they will always flow. Even the setting can be different. You could be on a beach, at a winery, at a pub. The setting only adds a surrounding layer but conversation with this friend will always make time fly by.

  • A friend who constructively challenges your thoughts and beliefs

I'm a big believer in hearing counterarguments on my beliefs and how I see the world. because;

a) I understand I'm ignorant of a lot of things.

b) There is growth in hearing another point of view.

I believe healthy constructive debate should never end in tears. Yet end in a mutual understanding.

If we walk around thinking we know everything and no one’s opinions matter. Then you might as well live in an echo chamber. Meaning you will never grow past your ideas.

  • A loyal friend. Who sticks with you through thick and thin… yet are honest.

Strong relationships require both loyalty and honest critique. We crave friends who stand by us, but also who challenge us to be better people.

  • A friend who reflects your morals and values.

This ties back to how we attract what we are.

You know when a person aligns with your values. It’s how they view the world.

I'm going to be brutally honest —

Life is too short. And having people around you who don’t align with your values is a total waste of time. So it is better to rip the Band-Aid off and stop being friends with these types of people. You will know if someone isn’t aligned with your values. It’s almost like a sixth sense. We are all energy. And energy never lies. Or if it’s not initially apparent then give the friendship time and it will illuminate what this person stands for. And if it doesn’t align with your standards. Then cut em.

In my opinion, a collection of these traits among friends will not only benefit you and make you grow better as a person but also benefit your friends the same too.




I like to write stories from personal experiences to help me find answers.